Vieux-Habitants Water Temperature

(Today) 2024

28.9°C / 84.1°F

The water will feel hot. Water temperature similar to a heated indoor swimming pool.

Current weather

24°C / 76°F
(few clouds)
Partly cloudy
6 mph

The measurements for the water temperature in Vieux-Habitants, Guadeloupe are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA. The temperatures given are the sea surface temperature (SST) which is most relevant to recreational users.

*Live data may vary from satellite readings for a number of reasons. These include local factors, depth of smapling and time of day.

Water temp by month

Monthly average max / min water temperatures

The graph below shows the range of monthly Vieux-Habitants water temperature derived from many years of historical sea surface temperature data.

Vieux-Habitants average maximum / minimum water temperatures
Maximum and minimum monthly sea temperatures in Vieux-Habitants
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Min °C 26.7 26.3 26 26.7 26.4 27.4 27.6 27.8 28.4 28.2 27.5 26.7
Max °C 27.6 27.1 27.8 28.4 29.7 29.7 29.7 30.2 30.5 30 29.4 28.5
Min °F 80.4 79.7 79.5 80.7 80.8 82.2 82.5 83 83.9 83.5 82.2 80.8
Max °F 81.3 80.5 81.3 82.4 84.1 84.5 84.6 85.4 86 85.3 84.1 82.6

The warmest water temperature is in September with an average around 84.9°F / 29.4°C. The coldest month is February with an average water temperature of 80.1°F / 26.7°C.

7 day tide forecast for Vieux-Habitants

  • High 2:24am
  • Low 7:03am
  • High 11:07am
  • Low 7:13pm
  • High 3:40am
  • Low 8:48am
  • High 11:03am
  • Low 7:59pm
  • High 4:45am
  • Low 8:48pm
  • High 5:45am
  • Low 9:37pm
  • High 6:42am
  • Low 10:27pm
  • High 7:36am
  • Low 11:17pm
  • High 8:25am
7 day tide times for Vieux-Habitants

*These tide times are estimates based on the nearest accurate location (Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe) and may differ by up to half an hour depending on distance. Please note, the tide times given are not suitable for navigational purposes.